Hamatora Wiki
This template is used to insert descriptions on template pages.
Type {{documentation}} at the end of the template page.

General usageEdit[]

On the Template pageEdit[]

Template code
Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Documentation/doc/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

Note that, depending on the template, you may need to add a clear or complete a table/div just before

Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Documentation/doc/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

 is inserted (within the noinclude tags).

The line break is also useful as it helps prevent the documentation template "running into" previous code.

On the Template/doc pageEdit[]

:This template is used to do something.
:Type {{templatename}} somewhere.
;Sample output
:{{templatename|foo}} gives...

Use any or all of the above description/syntax/sample output sections. You may also want to add "see also" or further usage information sections.

Note that the above example also uses the Template:T and Template:T/piece templates.
